Just do what Uncanny Automator did with their LearnDash Integration:
Triggers for logged-in users
- A user achieves a percentage greater than, less than or equal to a value on a quiz
- A user achieves a score greater than, less than or equal to a value on a quiz
- A user achieves greater than, less than or equal to a number of points on a quiz
- A user attempts (passes or fails) a quiz
- A user completes a course
- A user completes a lesson
- A user completes a topic
- A user fails a quiz
- A user passes a quiz
- Pro A Group Leader is added to a group
- Pro A Group Leader is removed from a group
- Pro A user answers a quiz question correctly
- Pro A user answers a quiz question incorrectly
- Pro A user completes a group’s courses
- Pro A user is added to a group
- Pro A user is enrolled in a course
- Pro A user is removed from a group
- Pro A user is unenrolled from a course
- Pro A user submits an assignment for a lesson or topic
- Pro A user submits an essay for a quiz
- Pro A user’s access to a course expires
- Pro An assignment is graded
- Pro An essay question is graded
- Pro A user is added to a group that has access to a course
Triggers for everyone
- Pro A course is added to a group
- Create a group
- Enroll the user in a course
- Make the user the leader of a group
- Mark a course complete for the user
- Mark a lesson complete for the user
- Mark a topic complete for the user
- Pro Add a course to a group
- Pro Add the user to a group
- Pro Extend the user’s access to a course by a number of days
- Pro Mark a lesson not complete for the user
- Pro Mark a quiz complete for the user
- Pro Mark a quiz not complete for the user
- Pro Mark a topic not complete for the user
- Pro Remove a course from a group
- Pro Remove the Group Leader from a group and all its children
- Pro Remove the user as a leader of a group
- Pro Remove the user from a group
- Pro Remove the user from a group and all its children
- Pro Remove the user from all groups
- Pro Repair the progress of a completed course for the user
- Pro Reset the user’s attempts for a quiz
- Pro Reset the user’s progress in a course
- Pro Reset the user’s progress for all courses associated with a group
- Pro Send a certificate
- Pro Send an email to Group Leaders of a group
- Pro Send an email to the user’s group leader(s)
- Pro Unenroll the user from a course
- Pro Unenroll the user from all courses
- Pro Unenroll the user from all courses associated with a group
- Pro The user is a leader of a group
- Pro The user has completed a course
- Pro The user has completed a lesson
- Pro The user has completed a quiz
- Pro The user has completed a topic
- Pro The user has failed a quiz
- Pro The user has not completed a course
- Pro The user has not completed a lesson
- Pro The user has not completed a quiz
- Pro The user has not completed a topic
- Pro The user has passed a quiz
- Pro The user is a member of a group
- Pro The user is a member of a group or its child groups
- Pro The user is enrolled in a course
- Pro The user is not a leader of a group
- Pro The user is not a member of a group
- Pro The user is not a member of a group or its child groups
- Pro The user is not enrolled in a course
User Loop filters
- Pro The user has/has not completed a course
- Pro The user has/has not completed all courses in a group
- Pro The user is/is not enrolled in a specific course
- Pro The user is/is not enrolled in a specific group